Monday, August 2, 2010

Day 38 - Knoxville, TN to Nashville, TN

Views of our hotel in Nashville..
The former dining hall for the college where we were staying in Nashville

Oh waking up in a Walmart never stops feeling trashy... :) But it's so free! Well we finished the drive to Nashville that morning, and found the best place to stay in town over the phone - an old religious college (religous aka gave masters degrees in "gospel") built in the style of Cambridge gothic that is now a renovated conference center. A super cheap room with beautiful surroundings, and we were staying the old dorms! I'm already reminiscent about college, and this made me want to go back to school definitely within the next couple of years.

Before we arrived at the hotel, we stopped at a place called "Prince's Hot Chicken," to get the regional specialty (although we found out later not many people in Nashville actually eat hot chicken...) which consists of fried chicken covered in crazy hot spices. The woman kinda threw us a questioning look when we ordered Medium Hot, which was explained later when we could hardly finish eating it all for being so hot!

We took advantage of doing laundry, getting my hair cut (best $20 haircut I've ever had!), and otherwise cleaned up after having sweat in our car for the past couple of days. We grabbed dinner at a "New York Diner," where Pete had a sandwich entirely fried (as in, the entire sandwich was dipped in the frying oil). We decided the entire middle of the country looks the way it does because there are no vegetables on the menus! Then we walked downtown, which also had the same bright lights as Dollywood, but instead was mostly bars and boot shops. We too were tempted to buy boots, but they were several hundred dollars and way fancier than anything we would wear. Every bar had live music coming from it, and according to my barber, not all of it was country although it sure sounded like it. Not really feeling the need to hang around in a smokey loud bar, we took a cab home and went to bed early.

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