Monday, August 2, 2010

Day 40 - Higginsville, MO to Emporia, KS to Lucas, KS to Silverthorne, CO

The Garden of Eden in Lucas, Kansas

Hanging out with Megan in Emporia, Kansas

We started out early so that we could get to the carnival where Pete's friend Megan is working in Emporia, Kansas. She gave us a behind the scenes tour, we had lunch at a typical roadside diner, and then walked to a snow-cone stand. It's pretty amazing that she's working with this traveling carnival, but she seems happy for the time being, and it must be one hell of an experience!

We started off on the road again in the afternoon, and then just drove and drove and drove across the entire state of Kansas, and they were right, there were sunflowers. We might a slight detour to see the artist town of Lucas, where a crazy man made all these concrete statues about the Garden of Eden in his front yard, but on the way back we were pretty deterred afterward by the most powerful thunderstorm either of us have ever seen. We couldn't see the road the rain was so thick!

We finally made it to Pete's aunt's house in Silverthorne, Colorado around 2am, only to try the door of the wrong house first! What exhaustion..we collapsed and went to bed immediately in Pam Bent's cabin-y home.

1 comment:

  1. Pam's house is always welcoming of Pete and Elena. They were great guests and often did the dishes without asking from me. We went fishing, sight seeing and out to dinner plus atlatling at the neighbors. What more could anyone ask for??
    A great time for all concerned. Auntie Pam
