Monday, July 19, 2010

Day 11 - Glacier national Park

One of the amazing views from Going-to-the-Sun Road.

The group in front of Jackson Glacier (that white triangle way in the distance).

The group at Avalanche Lake for lunch.

Very cool stream on the hike to Avalanche Lake.

After sleeping quite soundly at the community center in Flathead National Forest, we sped over to Glacier National Park (about 30 miles) and quickly figured out that we would drive the only road in the park, Going-to-the-Sun Road (what a name!) We stopped at the Avalanche Lake trailhead for a short 4 mile hike and some lunch, and continued until we saw Jackson Glacier from the road (about 2/3 the way up the road). If you haven't been here, driving the road is really incredible, and the park guide is really good and directing you where to look.

We got back to camp around 7pm in time to cook a delicious dinner of sausage pasta with corn (we are learning to use canned vegetables more and more - so easy!) and attend a presentation by the ranger entitled "Birds of Prey," a slideshow that was more meant for 10-year olds, but enjoyable none-the-less. By this time, we discovered that Russell had left his sleeping pad at the community center, but we improvised with some blankets and such so that everyone, again, slept quite soundly.

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