Thursday, July 22, 2010

Day 24 - Buffalo, NY to Niagara Falls, NY to Bloomfield, CT

We woke up early (as per usual in a Walmart parking lot, as the noise of people banging around and cars passing usually starts around 7am) and headed to Niagara Falls. The park is mostly on the US side, which is nice because neither of us brought passports anyway. We walked around the two sides of the falls, but didn't feel like paying the extra money to get totally soaked just before the long car ride to Connecticut. However, the views are definitely satisfactory from the edges of the cliffs.

View of the crazy people who pay to be crushed by the tons of falling water... :)

Then we headed to Buffalo again to test a Lonely Planet recommendation for buffalo wings - it was phenomenal! We didn't have time to eat it but on the road, so we tucked paper towels everywhere and slobbered away on the best chicken wings we've ever had! Not much else to the afternoon except driving, and general frustration with paying tolls (how come the rest of the country doesn't bleed every driver for $.50 every 20 miles?!)

After spotting a feisty black bear running around in a cabbage field somewhere north of Bloomfield, we arrived at my grandmother's house around 8pm just in time for dinner. Gma cooked us delicious fish with cracker crumbs and some of Wade's famous yellow corn! We sat on the porch and listened to the bugs, ready for a couple days of sleeping in beds and relaxation.

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