Thursday, July 22, 2010

Day 28-30 - Greenwich, CT to New York, NY and back again

Rob dropped us off at the train station early in the morning so that Pete and I could try to get to a box office early for discount Broadway tickets. I was hankering for some musical production (I had The Producers playing in my head non stop) and discovered that Pete had never seen a Broadway show (again, it's a time for firsts!) so we decided to see a show since you can only do it in New York (thank you Greg and Osa!). We ended up not getting tickets that morning because they didn't have any to Avenue Q, our top pick, but we did walk around Wall Street and meet up with Alex to see the Bodies exhibit. If you haven't seen it, it's plasticized humans cut up so you can see all the interesting things on our insides! Totally worth it.

Alex had a dinner with friends that night, so Pete and I went to see Inception on IMAX. OH MY GOD AMAZING! Go see it, it's a great movie. And the IMAX was actually worth it this time. We all met up and decided we were pretty tired, so we headed back to the apartment that Alex was squatting in/house-sitting in East Harlem. It smelled just like Guatemala, that sweet rotting fruit smell with flowers and gas. The neighborhood was really cute though, and the apartment even cuter, decorated and owned by the very chic, fashionable friend of Alex's.

In the morning we woke up extra early (8 am!) to go to the Box Office of Avenue Q to get cheaper tickets (full price ones are still over $100 each), which turned out to be way too early and we were totally the first ones there. After scoring our tickets for that evening, we all went to Central Park to reminisce about college and life before college (as Alex and I tend to do sometimes). Alex was working briefly for a gourmet desert bar as a waiter, but now is anticipating a solo trip to Europe before continuing to work on his writing. I may be able to convince him to move to San Francisco yet! Alex then took Pete and I to a cafe at Columbus Circle, which is apparently owned by the same guy who owns the French Laundry, except for $15/person instead of $500/person. Delicious! Alex went back to take a nap, and Pete and I headed to the local Salvation Army looking for leather scraps to make him a leather journal cover. Instead, Elena just found lots of cheap cool clothes and Pete found nothing (surprised? :) Pete and I went back to Central Park to relax and lie on the grass, then met up with Alex at the theater that night. Great show! Totally raunchy but adorable, catchy and clever, and especially appropriate as it's about a recent college grad meeting the "realities" of life. We could take a lesson I suppose :) And with puppets!

Alex invited Pete and I to join him in Fredericksburg to visit high school friend Jeremy in the coming days, so Pete and I took off the next day back to Greenwich with promises to see each other soon.

Rob and Marjorie were generous enough to host us another night after Rob picked us up at the train station. They are such kind and energetic people! They took us to dinner at this fusion Mexican restaurant, where they had items such as lobster tacos and served Patron tequila! Not your typical Californian fare, but totally delectable!

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