Monday, July 19, 2010

Day 9-10 - From Hood Canal, WA to Lake Chelan, WA to Flathead National Forest, MT

We woke up early and left the canal to visit Elena's good family friends: Bill and Marilynne Lilly. We left the canal by 10:30 and just barely made (or should I say timed perfectly) our ferry from Kingston to Edmonds. It was the first time for some of us driving onto a ferry. It was pretty fun.
The drive through the Cascades were inc readable. There were beautiful forested peaks and a rushing river that followed the road we took. We finally came up upon a unique little town called Leavenworth. Apparently some time ago the residents of Leavenworth had decided to give their entire town a German Spin! All the houses had wooden shutters and German looking decoration and signage on all the buildings. Even the Shell station!
After driving through the Cascades, we made it to Bill and Marilin's beautiful house! They have an infinity pool and a breath taking view over Lake Chelan. They were incredibly welcoming and made us feel at home. We then went out for dinner at Cambells as well as for a tour of the growing town. The wonderful day was finished with a relaxing evening in the hot tub which Bill was thoughtful enough to heat for us beforehand. The view was increadable from the hot tub and infinity pool over the star and moon lit Lake Chelan. (Pete)

Side Note: Bill and Marilynne are great friends of Grandma Betty's, and Elena had the chance to befriend them as well when she lived in Hawaii in 2001.

After a lovely breakfast, we left very early in the morning in anticipation of driving all the way to Flathead National Forest, which is right next to Glacier National Park. We had rented a fire lookout tower for the evening, which ended up being about 12 miles away from the Canadian border. Unfortunately, the directions led us to the top of a mountain ridge where we were supposed to find a trailhead - alas, no trailhead to be found! We hunted around for a bit but gave up as it was getting late, and ended up spending the evening in the backyard of a community center back down in the valley. What a bummer! We at least got to see the views that the lookout would have offered, but I will be calling the reservations system that is for sure! (Elena)

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